App is on the right track, but has some serious design flaws. As a HS coach, stats are an important part of assessing game play and preparing for future games. Problems with this app:
-- No way of editing specific statistics after the game without going back to the play-by-play screen. Lets say the stat-keeper has player A with 4 offensive rebounds. After charting the game form film, you realize player A had 2 offensive boards. You cant simply edit the final report, you have to go back through the play-by-play and find an offensive rebounds to delete. Tedious process. Why not just allow a person to edit the offensive rebounds column in the final report?
-- No way to simplify the output into a boxscore-like format, including no "score-by-quarters" summary. I have to manually type this information in when I e-mail the report to local media. The final report includes a ton of information media doesnt need or want. Why not include a box-score output??
-- This is related to my previous point, but the report is difficult to read in print, and frustrating to read on-screen. Too many rows & columns (which is why the app needs a box-score summary) to keep straight. Column headings are often off of the ipad screen, which means lots of scrolling up and down, up and down when trying to look at the report. A boxscore with only the most important stats would solve a lot of problems.
-- Is there a way to keep track of/edit a "+/-" chart (player efficiency)? I found a column that seems like it might do this, but I cant find how its calculated or how to customize it.
These are basic features that any stat-keeping software should include. Its reasonably priced and easy to use, but based on the above issues I would not recommend the app until these problems are corrected.
HS bball coach about Breakthrough Stats